Internal pages for link in bio

Table of contents

With the platform, you can add multiple internal pages. This means that you can create more than one page in the project and connect them with link buttons

Why do we need internal pages?

If you want to create a multi-link, for example, with information about you, links to your projects, with a description of your services and a block of reviews, this is possible with the help of, but such a mini-site will turn out to be overloaded due to a large amount of information and difficult to read for your clients.

Using the tariff MAX, you can solve this problem. Create separate internal pages for each section, for example, “More about me”, “More about the course”, “More about my services”, “My video lessons”, “My photos”, “Reviews”.

Available in plans

You can add multiple pages to a project only in the Maximum plan. You can use the trial version of the MAX tariff for 3 days.

Adding an internal page

You can create a new page and add a link button to it using the Page element. Click “Add Item” -> “Other” -> “Page”

You can specify where the new button should lead to:

  • 1 – to a new page. In this mode, set the name of the new page
  • 2 – to an already existing page. Select from the list of already existing pages if you already have created pages

How to switch between internal pages

Via button navigation

On the buttons that lead to your additional pages, in the Multilinks edit mode, elements will be displayed that will help you navigate to the settings of the internal page.Through the list of all pages

Through the list of all pages

In the “pages” navigation bar, click on the “main page” (1) or element (2)

In the “Pages” window that opens, you can see a list of all the pages you have created in the current project.

Here you can also create a new internal page. Click “Add new page” and in the window that opens, enter a name for the new page and click on the “Save” button. After Save, a new page will be created and opened.

Please note that if you add an internal page through the list of all pages, you will need to additionally add a link button to this internal page so that this page is available to visitors to your site.

The “pages” navigation bar will have the name of the page (2) and a button to go to the main page (1)

Title and Address of the Page Editing

Clicking on the inner pages navigation bar (1 or 2) will open a list of all pages. Click on the edit icon to the right of the internal page name. The page editing window will open. In this window you can change the name and path (address) of the internal page.

The text of buttons that take the user to the edited page will be updated automatically.

Deleting a Page

Click on the delete icon to the right of the unwanted page and confirm your action. The page will be removed. You cannot undo the deletion.

When deleting a page, you need to manually delete the buttons that link to this page

Setting up internal pages

For each internal page, you can use all the features of the MAX tariff: you can add elements that are available in the MAX tariff, you can design the page and elements in your corporate style, and much more