How to share access to your project?

Table of contents

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Go to the main menu “Project Settings -> General“, then to the “Users” tab and click “+ Send invitation“.
  2. In the window that opens, enter the email address of the user you want to invite. The invited user will be able to edit your project, landing page, online calendar, manage requests and client base.

If the user you want to invite is not yet registered, they must first register

You can also invite a user to using your referral link and receive additional bonuses that you can spend to buy a plan

Exclude a user from your project

In order to exclude a user from your project, go to the main menu “Project Settings -> General“, then to the “Users” tab and click “X” to the right of the desired user.

Confirm the action in the window that opens. After confirmation, the user will be excluded from your project, he will no longer have access to your project.