How to manage your products/services in the database?

Table of contents

With the help of the link in bio platform, you can tell all your customers about your products and services. This article will show you how to create a database of your products/services that can later be used on your multilink.

Step-by-step instruction

In order to view your database of goods and services, you need to open the main menu and select the Store item and go to the Products and Services menu. On this page, you can add new products/services, update existing information, delete, and also search for a product/service among the already existing database.

Later you will be able to use any of your created products/services on the landing page. More details can be found in the article “How to add a product/service to a landing page?”

Adding a product/service to the database

  1. On the Products and Services page, click on the “+” button (1 in the figure below)
  2. Fill in the title, description, link (if necessary), price, discounted price (if necessary) and currency. Add 1 or more pictures to present your service/product
  3. Click the “+ Create” button to add a product/service

Updating information about a product/service in the database

  1. On the “Products and Services” page, select the product or service for which you want to update information (for example, change the price), and click on the three vertical dots, and then select “Edit” (3 in the picture above)
  2. In the window that opens, you can update the necessary information on the product.
  3. Click on the “Save” button to save your changes

Removing a product/service from the database

  1. On the “Products and Services” page, select the product or service for which you want to update information, and click on the three vertical dots, and then select “Delete
  2. In the window that opens, confirm that you want to remove the product/service from the database

Search for a product/service in the database

On the “Products and Services” page, you can filter the list of all products / services using the search by name (2 in the figure above)

This feature can be useful if you have a large number of products

Actions after payment

In the product / service settings, go to the “Actions after payment” tab. It is possible to specify a link that will be shown to the buyer immediately after payment. For example, a link to a guide or book uploaded to a cloud service, or a link to a private telegram channel.

Sending an email to the buyer after paying for the goods

It is also possible to send a letter to the buyer. On this page, you can add a header and text for the email.


If the payment system is set up incorrectly, then after payment, the client may not receive letters and materials that you set up in the “actions after payment” in the goods and services menu.

You can read more about setting up payment systems in the article

After the product/service is created, you can add it to the multilink. (instruction)

You can read more about applications generated after payment for a product/service in the article

The picture below shows an example of setting up for selling “Guides for Beginners”. The text of the letter contains a link to the guide that will be sent to the buyer. You can add any amount of text and links in the body of the letter.

Sending free goods/services

You can give your customers the opportunity to download free materials in exchange for contact information.

When creating a product, specify a price of 0 USD.

Open the “Actions after payment” tab

Enable sending emails or add a link where the user will be redirected after filling out the form with contact information. On this page, you can add a title and text for the email that will be sent to the buyer.

Once a free product/service has been created, you can add it to a multilink. (instruction)

All contact details that customers will leave you can find in the Applications and Orders menu. Read more about applications